Clarke County, AL 1840 Federal Census INDEX This Census was transcribed by Laura Ann Flanders and proofread by Annie Flanders for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2007 by Laura Ann Flanders ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census_Year 1840 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1840 Microfilm #M704-2 ENUMERATOR: A. C. Wilson State ALABAMA County CLARKE ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription--------------------------- ========================================================================== Name of Head of Household PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME ========================================================================== 232 12 Adkinson S J 237 10 Allen Drury 249 26 Allen Sirus 246 27 Allen Wm 249 27 Alston Wm W 235 23 Anderson John 252 6 Anderson Miles 252 5 Anderson Wm 238 11 Andos P C 248 18 Armistead Wesward 250 29 Armistead Wm 241 15 Austill Stephen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 253 7 Barigh Jas 234 2 Barlow James 253 11 Barlow John 233 23 Barlow Lewis 253 8 Barnes S T 244 6 Barr Bartlet S 240 25 Baskin John 254 20 Baskin Petro 234 10 Bates E M 255 23 Baugh Danl 239 20 Beall Joel 255 3 Beckham John 234 7 Beckham Wm L 254 21 Bell Chas 252 1 Bennett Lamar 237 8 Bettis E L 236 16 Bettis Francis 249 25 Bettis John 234 6 Bettis Mary 250 25 Bettis Moody 242 27 Bettis Z L 237 21 Bird David 238 25 Bishop Asa 251 20 Black Mary Ann 251 21 Black Thos 255 2 Black Thos 246 4 Blackwell Jas 235 22 Blackwell Joel 242 11 Blackwell Nancy 242 10 Blackwell Nathan 245 12 Blizard Ann 242 19 Blount F S 255 26 Boiden Joseph 233 16 Boland J W 236 9 Bondurant Robt H 238 27 Bone James 250 11 Bonner Ahab 248 23 Boroughs Jas W 237 7 Boroughs Thos 237 18 Boutwell Dickson 240 3 Bowler John 241 20 Bracy Melvin 237 9 Bradford Nathaniel 235 24 Bradley John, Senr 235 16 Bradley Thos 233 5 Brashiers S 253 28 Bridleton Wm M 248 28 Bronson Josiah 253 29 Bronson Josiah 253 20 Brooks Wyley 245 28 Brookshire Wm 255 19 Brown Henry 250 8 Brown Jesse 245 2 Brunson Leonard E 242 15 Buchanon John 252 28 Buckston Martin 245 7 Bumpas John 244 21 Bumpas Nat 244 22 Bumpas Richd 244 20 Bumpas Robt 244 17 Bumpas Robt N 236 11 Burr F 242 17 Bussy Harmon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 244 14 Calhoun Danl 244 16 Calhoun Duncan 243 7 Calhoun Hugh 245 11 Calhoun Jane 245 9 Calhoun Jas 243 19 Calhoun John 244 13 Calhoun John 232 13 Calhoun Neal 241 4 Calk Elijah 241 5 Calk Moses 246 22 Camack David 238 16 Campbell A 240 17 Campbell Danl 245 26 Campbell G W 234 18 Campbell John 238 19 Carlton Morgan 235 29 Carney R P 239 2 Carr Andrew 233 14 Carson Joseph 246 16 Carter Claiborne 241 27 Carter F B 235 3 Carter John 243 14 Carter John 254 18 Casity John B 249 16 Caves John B 248 26 Cellars Wm 247 14 Champion John 247 15 Champion L B 255 20 Chandler Sarah 237 15 Chany Wm 243 29 Chapman Elijah 232 9 Chapman Giles 234 19 Chapman J M 243 24 Chapman John 243 18 Chapman Joseph 242 5 Cherry Gardener 234 1 Christopher John 247 8 Clanton Burril 241 29 Clarke A B 240 20 Clarke Jas 251 25 Clarke Thos 244 10 Clarke Wm B 233 1 Cleavers Wm 252 12 Clements Vincent 251 3 Cleveland Jas 251 14 Clinton Sterling 236 10 Clothier Geo 232 22 Coale Saml 254 25 Coates Marmaduke 253 12 Coates Wm 239 28 Coats John A 237 3 Cobb Saml T 232 25 Cogburn H W 232 23 Cogburn J M 247 4 Courtney Robt 240 14 Cox Geo 254 19 Cox Jas 239 25 Cox John 249 3 Cox Matthew 255 4 Cox Matthew 239 10 Cox Reuben 244 26 Cox Thos 240 1 Cravey Jonas J N 237 28 Crawford Josiah 238 9 Creagh A M 255 25 Creagh G W 239 26 Creagh John G 236 19 Creighton Hiram 240 7 Creighton Saml 238 29 Crenshaw Hesekiah 250 3 Crenshaw Robt 233 25 Cullen James 240 13 Curtis Jas H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 235 5 Daffin Jas 235 21 Daffin Oran 253 6 Dame Benj F 238 4 Danzey Wm 241 28 Darington John 243 10 Davis E 255 21 Davis Eliza 242 4 Davis Henry G 248 29 Davis Jas 250 2 Davis Jas F 241 16 Davis Sugar R 238 18 Davison Richd G 234 12 Dean J E 232 27 Dean John 243 12 Deaton Andrew 248 16 Delouch Benj 235 10 Denson Eli 256 2 DeWitt Wm T 241 9 Dickerson A S 252 15 Dickerson Richd 238 15 Dickson John 240 2 Doil Jesse 242 22 Dorsey A B E 251 13 Doughtry Mangew 247 28 Downy Palin 249 19 Doyl Danl T 244 7 Doyl John B 243 16 Dubose Abel H 245 13 Dubose E H 246 14 Dubose Jas 246 12 Dubose John 235 15 Dubose Peter 233 7 Dukes Emily 249 9 Dungan Jonathan 254 7 Dunigan John 235 13 Dunkin Benjn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 244 23 Easley John 253 13 Ediker John C 255 11 Edwards John 255 10 Edwards Joseph 245 8 Edwards Wm 242 14 Englet John 245 29 Englet Michael 235 20 Erwin Jerard 246 8 Ethrage John 233 21 Everett Ray 246 20 Ewin Olive 234 22 Ezell A 233 2 Ezell Miel 236 7 Ezell W W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 251 7 Farington E T 239 8 Figures John W 250 9 Finch Jas 233 18 Finley Ann 233 19 Finley John 251 23 Fisher John D 236 8 Fisher Saml 233 20 Fleming James 233 26 Fleming Thos 252 24 Flours Jesse 250 17 Fluellen Elizabeth 249 11 Fluker Geo 240 6 Fluker Hardy 246 23 Forbes Wm 249 24 Ford Kendrick 246 21 Forman Larkin 254 26 Fortner Benj 232 16 Forwood S 238 3 Foster B C 237 11 Fountain Wm M 249 1 Franklin Robt 248 25 Franklin Thos B 253 27 Franklin Thos B 254 15 Frasure Mary 248 24 Frazier John 233 12 French John 232 8 Fryerson S E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 10 Gaddy Benj 241 8 Garnet Greenbury 237 5 Gates Wm 250 16 German Wm 238 22 Gibbert Jas B 245 6 Gilbert Danl 245 5 Gilbert Geo W 246 9 Gilcrease Thos 241 13 Gill Jas 245 16 Gill Richd 255 1 Gilmer Wm L 247 26 Gilmor Elijah 237 17 Gilmore Stephen M 239 17 Glover R B 234 21 Goode Martha 236 15 Goodwin John 234 24 Gordon A J 255 5 Gordon Gable 234 23 Gordon Jane 250 4 Green Saml 246 18 Green Thos 252 2 Griffin John 248 27 Guy Gilbert 240 4 Guy Rigdon 234 16 Gwynn E B 232 24 Gwynn W B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237 16 Hair Brantly 252 18 Haltom Elijah 251 18 Hamilton John 251 17 Hamilton Wm 232 21 Hamilton Wm R 254 8 Hammar Rolley 251 15 Hancock E 239 6 Harris Micajah 236 24 Harris Nancy 244 27 Harrison Benj 238 7 Harrison John 234 13 Harrison W M 240 24 Harvey Jas 234 27 Harwell E J 244 15 Harwell Ning 242 8 Harwell Sarah M 252 29 Hatcher William 239 15 Hawkins Danl 237 23 Hawkins Thos B 247 17 Hawkins Wm H 249 20 Hays Wm 255 24 Hearin Robert 248 7 Hearon Stephen 236 5 Henderson Jas 233 3 Henderson Matilda 245 15 Henderson Perthena M 241 22 Hendrix Joseph 246 24 Henly John 250 5 Henly Joseph 233 15 Henshaw Andrew 238 1 Herrin Allen H 247 13 Herrin D R 240 16 Herrin Thos 244 25 Hicks Jeremiah G 251 2 Hill Travener 251 1 Hill Wm 240 22 Hinton Thos 255 18 Hix Jane 243 17 Hix Jeremiah H 247 1 Hix Willis B 244 24 Hix Wm B 234 4 Hobbs E H 242 2 Holder Ann 242 3 Holder Harper 247 7 Holt Lewis 247 11 Hope John 250 14 Horn Alex 250 24 Horn Josiah 239 27 Houze Jas 235 4 Hoven John 243 6 Howel Jeremiah 246 5 Howell Esther 254 5 Howle Ann 249 22 Hudson Wm 232 15 Huggins Evan 252 8 Huggins Jacob 237 29 Huggins Jas 245 25 Huggins Jas 255 29 Huggins Sarah 248 6 Huston D C 248 3 Huston Joseph - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 238 8 Jackson Benj 238 6 Jackson Burk 237 13 Jackson Robt 236 4 Jackson Wm 232 28 James E R 245 3 James John 253 10 James Lorenzo 246 17 James Mary 241 21 James Robt D 238 26 James Thos 233 10 James Wm T 249 4 Jarvis David M 239 12 Jarvis Thos 253 4 Jarvis Wm 236 6 Johnston E R 242 7 Johnston Elizabeth 236 18 Johnston John 243 21 Johnston John 235 17 Johnston Robt 245 27 Joiner Cornelius 234 5 Joiner V M 256 1 Jones Allen 241 7 Jones David P 241 17 Jones John B 235 6 Jones Josiah 232 20 Jones N 232 11 Jones Wm F 252 17 Jourdin Elias 254 16 Julian Lewis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 249 23 Keel Elizabeth 239 13 Keel John A C 247 16 Kelly E S 236 26 Kelly Jas 251 8 Kelly John 251 11 Kelly Sarah 241 3 Kenedy Wm 251 19 Kess Thos 248 17 Kilpatrick Judath J 240 15 Kimbell Ishrm 244 4 Kirk Andrew 235 19 Kissinger Jacob 239 3 Knight John 241 6 Knight Joseph B 253 5 Kolb Jas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 235 7 Lain John 253 23 Landrom Jesse 240 27 Lankford James 246 25 Laramore Edmund 246 26 Laramore Wm 248 12 Largeant Thos 247 2 Latham John 246 15 Lawson Francis 239 23 Ledgard Austin E 236 20 Lee Robt 254 6 Lewis Madison 239 4 Lewis Margaret 254 4 Lewis W W 236 27 Lewis Wm 243 9 Lide John D 242 23 Linton Jas 239 5 Little Christopher 232 29 Lockwood E C 251 16 Loftin E 252 4 Loftin John 247 24 Loftin Saml 254 10 Lokes Vincent 252 14 Louder Geo 252 21 Louis Faliafero 232 6 Lowder Geo W 253 16 Loyd Cynthia 246 3 Loyd Jas A 238 12 Lyles Geo N 243 26 Lymans Mortimore - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 236 17 Macky Wm 238 10 Macon J E J 247 27 Maddows Levy 249 10 Malone G B 252 26 Martin Andy 255 14 Martin John 252 27 Martin Thos 243 28 Mathews Joshua A 240 19 Matlock Thos 252 9 Matts Logan 233 13 Mayo Elias L 236 25 McAdden Jas 255 28 McCallum Duncan 232 17 McCaskey John 248 22 McClinton Henry 238 20 McClinton Jas E 238 21 McClinton Saml 244 9 McCloud Danl 244 12 McCloud Neal 249 28 McClure Robt 247 12 McClure Wm 232 19 McCollom Peter 242 25 McColskey Neal 242 18 McConnell Wm 232 7 McCorquodil Malcomb 245 23 McCoy John 255 6 McCullar Chas 254 9 McCullars Stephen 237 14 McCurdy Sirus 235 12 McDonald Danl 245 10 McDoodle John 249 21 McGhe Wm 247 5 McHany Mary 248 19 McIntire John 249 12 McIntire Joshua 248 20 McIntire Wm H 241 14 McKey John 253 19 McKlehany Jas 253 9 McMillon Archibald 243 2 McRae D R W 243 22 Meckins Nancy 241 10 Migginson G D 236 21 Miller Danl B 252 10 Miller Frederick 252 11 Miller Julius 251 22 Mitcham Hezekiah 253 1 Mitchell Christian 234 20 Mobley M H 245 22 Moncrief Caleb 248 1 Montgomery John N 254 2 Moore David 237 12 Moore John 253 25 Moore Thos 254 29 Morgan Thos 237 6 Morris Wm A 250 22 Mosely Robt 255 15 Mott Joseph 255 9 Mott Susan 244 18 Muligan Mary 242 21 Murphy Caroline 241 19 Murphy John 250 19 Murphy John 256 3 Murphy John 242 20 Murphy Robt N 232 5 Myrick Uriah 245 18 Myricks John - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 252 20 Nail Joseph 246 2 Neal Elizabeth 243 1 Neal Lewis 245 4 Neal Thos 246 1 Neal Thos 237 26 Nelson Wm 250 12 Nicholson J W 247 20 Noble Danl 237 20 Nobles Joseph - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 255 12 Odom Press 241 1 Overstreet Saml - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239 21 Pace Burrel 249 6 Pace Dempsey 254 14 Pace Dumpsey, Junr 239 24 Pace Fred 249 5 Pace John 239 22 Pace Thos B 251 24 Painter R J 232 10 Parker John 252 19 Parker Needham W 235 18 Parker S S 235 26 Parker W R 235 27 Parker Z S 243 11 Parkman Sanders 239 29 Patterson R B 246 13 Payne Richd 251 12 Pearse Lewis 237 19 Peebles Wm H 235 25 Pelt Henry 238 13 Perry Francis 252 16 Perry Francis 238 23 Perry John M 242 12 Perry R R 233 27 Phalen Thos 247 21 Philan Fereby 241 24 Philan John 253 18 Philips Benj 236 1 Philips Elijah 243 4 Philips John 253 17 Philips John 248 13 Pickens Andrew 248 15 Pickens Jas 252 22 Pickins Joseph 236 23 Pippin Wm 249 13 Pollard Richd 237 22 Pope Anderson 237 27 Pope Jefferson 244 19 Porter John C 240 23 Portis Joseph P 255 16 Portis Margaret 243 15 Pouncey James N 246 28 Pouncy Charles 246 29 Pouncy Jas M 232 3 Powers Terril 250 20 Presnal Absalom 237 1 Presnal Elijah 250 28 Presnal Harbert 250 27 Presnal John 234 28 Price Wm M 245 17 Price Wm M 232 1 Pritchett C 249 29 Pugh Elijah 244 2 Pugh Hannah 240 12 Pugh M T 244 3 Pugh Reason 244 1 Pugh Stephen 244 5 Pugh Stewart - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 247 19 Raborn Joseph 236 28 Rains John 240 9 Ray Duncan 240 21 Raybourn Wm H 253 26 Rayney W J 248 2 Read John 243 8 Reaves Eli 240 10 Reeves Wm 246 11 Rhodes John 241 26 Rice John 243 20 Riggin Labon C 245 19 Riley Thos 232 30 Rivers Richd 234 9 Rivers T B 242 9 Roane Elizabeth 242 28 Roberts Absolom 254 27 Roberts Jas M 254 28 Roberts Josiah 253 21 Roberts Moses 250 18 Robertson Amos 239 9 Robertson Henry 249 8 Robertson Ivy 242 16 Robertson John 250 23 Robertson John 236 22 Robertson Russel 253 22 Robertson Sarah 250 26 Robertson Thos 242 26 Robertson Wm 241 23 Rocker Peter 245 24 Rogers Absalom 253 24 Rogers L D 234 8 Rogers Simion 232 14 Rollins E J 235 1 Rose Thos 238 2 Ross Nat 247 18 Ross Saml 236 14 Russell William - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 240 11 Saint Jas H 240 8 Savage Jas 250 1 Scarbrough Allen 251 27 Scarbrough Elias 251 26 Scarbrough Feil 248 8 Scarbrough John 251 28 Scarbrough Maxville 250 21 Scoggins John 241 12 Scott Hannah 254 13 Sellars Alex 235 2 Sewall F L 245 20 Shamburger Rebeccah 252 7 Shelfer Wm 234 14 Shepherd P 254 1 Sherman Endiver 234 17 Sherwood A 235 14 Singleton Richd 238 17 Skinner Henry A 240 18 Smith Edwd 240 26 Smith George R W 243 23 Smith Hannah 238 28 Smith James 247 9 Smith Jefferson 251 9 Smith John 236 3 Smith John C 241 18 Smith Neal 244 11 Smith Obadiah 254 3 Smith Sarah 242 1 Smith Thos 238 24 Smith Wm 244 8 Spikes John 232 2 Spinks John 245 1 Starke Horatio 244 28 Starke Nancy 244 29 Starke T L 246 19 Starke Turner 253 15 Stephens Garrison 241 11 Sterling Mary 237 2 Stifflemire Jacob 245 21 Stifflemire Wm 233 22 Stokes Chas 255 22 Stokes David 233 6 Stokes Hance 234 3 Stokes John 235 11 Stringer Elex 246 6 Stringer Jas 235 9 Stringer Wm 243 25 Stuart Etheldridge 243 27 Stuart James 254 22 Summars C G 253 3 Summers Eldridge 249 15 Summers John C 254 23 Summers Sarah 254 24 Summers W B 236 29 Swearingin Eli 237 4 Swearingin Rural - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 13 Talbert John 239 14 Tarver Jonathan V 253 14 Taylor Thos 235 28 Taylor Walter 246 10 Tedder Isaac 242 6 Thomas Nicholas 245 14 Thompson David 253 2 Thorington Eli 239 19 Thorington John W 239 18 Thorington Wm L 239 7 Thornton Jas 251 29 Tindoll David 233 28 Tobin ? W 249 18 Todd Janett C 249 7 Toland John 249 14 Toland Joseph 250 15 Tolbert Wm J 247 25 Tomkins Jas J 254 11 Towland Henry 238 5 Traywick Hugh 237 24 Traywick John S 240 28 Turner A J 236 12 Turner Jesse - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 247 22 Upchurch M??? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237 25 Varnadore Henry 252 13 Vaughan John S 234 15 Vaughan Reuben 236 2 Vick Richd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 240 29 Wade Drury A 234 29 Waldrom Jas 234 25 Walker Elenor 242 13 Walker Geo W 248 21 Walker Jas D 251 6 Walker Jas L 234 26 Walker Jas M 247 6 Walker John 251 10 Walker John W 247 10 Walker Joseph A 251 5 Walker Purnel 235 8 Walker Vincen 248 11 Walton Enoch 247 3 Watson Wiley 248 4 Webb D 240 5 Webb Henly 239 1 Webb Henry 252 23 Webb Leonard 248 14 Webb Lorenzo 233 29 Webb Washington 248 10 Webb Wm, Junr 238 14 Webb Wm, Senr 255 7 Wells John 255 8 Wells Sterling 236 13 West John R 234 11 West P C 255 13 White Griffin 252 3 White Henry 249 17 White J L 254 12 White Jas 243 13 White Joab 247 23 White John 254 17 White Josiah 250 6 White Wm 247 29 White Wyly 232 4 Wilkinson Saml 242 29 Williams G W 239 16 Williams H R 248 9 Williams Wm 243 3 Williamson B W 250 7 Williamson Jason B 232 26 Williamson S W 233 4 Williamson W M 243 5 Wilson Abner 233 24 Wilson G D 233 11 Wilson Jas M 242 24 Wilson John 232 18 Wilson John R 233 9 Wilson Joshua 255 17 Wilson Wm H 233 8 Wilson Wm W 255 27 Windham Elijah 241 25 Windham Solomon 252 25 Wood E C 248 5 Woodard Moses 251 4 Woods John 246 7 Wooton Wm 233 17 Worley Cado - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239 11 York Jabes 249 2 York John 241 2 Younce Julius - - - - - - - - - - - - - -