Clayton County, IA 1860 Federal Census PARTIAL STATUS of the files on-line for this census in the following FTP directory: Microfilm Roll# M653-315 ======================================================================================= TOWNSHIP/BOROUGH STAMPED STATUS DESCRIPTION PAGE#-RANGE TRANSCRIBER PROOFREADER ======================================================================================= . Boardman 624-644 . . On-Line Buena Vista 991-991 Laura Hill (needed) On-Line Cass 487-510 Susan Van Kirk Maryl McKinley Hook . Clayton 833-851 . . . Cox Creek 566-584 . . . Elk 531-543 . . . Farmersburg 853-882 . . . Garnavillo 731-764 . . On-Line Giard 883-906 Sally Scarff (needed) On-Line Grand Meadow 714-728 Jean Hackman Birdie Ellsworth . Guttenberg 907-935 . . . Highland 645-656 . . On-Line Jefferson 936-970 Lori Dunlap Sharyl Ferrall On-Line Lodomillo 511-530 Marsha Hyman Pat Mautschke . Mallory 999-1022 . . . Marion 657-670 . . On-Line Mendon 816-832 Sally Scarff (needed) On-Line Millville 971-990 Laura Hill (needed) . Monona 688-713 . . . Reed 605-623 . . On-Line Sperry 544-565 Susan Van Kirk Maryl McKinley Hook . Volga 585-604 . . On-Line Wagner 671-687 Jean Hackman (needed) ======================================================================================= Additional townships need to be transcribed. If you would like to transcribe a township for this census, please fill-out and submit a Transcription Volunteer Form at: If you would like to proofread a township for this census, please fill-out and submit a Proofreader Volunteer Form at: ================================================================================= This Census is being transcribed and proofread by a TEAM of volunteers for the USGenWeb Census Project®,