Perry County, IL 1900 Federal Census (File 2 of 2 for ED:46) Stamped pages 7A-12B, Sheets 7A-12B This Census was transcribed by Lana Magiera and proofread by Amanda West for the USGenWeb Census Project® Copyright (c) 2005 by Lana Magiera ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census Year 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 Microfilm Roll #T623-335 State ILLINOIS County Perry ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription--------------------------- ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 7A 1 46 7A . . 110 111 Corr Merthia Wife W F Feb 1855 45 M 21 4 3 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 8 1900 7A 2 46 7A . . 110 111 Corr Isan Son W M Apr 1881 19 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 3 46 7A . . 110 111 Corr Ina Daughter W F July 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 4 46 7A . . 110 111 Corr Arria Son W M Aug 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 5 46 7A . . 110 111 Steel Alias Boarder W M Sept 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 8 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 6 46 7A . . 111 112 Jones Kitt Head W M Sept 1843 56 M 34 . . Illinois Virginia N. Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 111 . 7A 7 46 7A . . 111 112 Jones Sabra Wife W F Jan 1845 55 M 34 7 7 Illinois Kentucky Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 8 46 7A . . 111 112 Jones Wesley Son W M Aug 1876 23 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 9 46 7A . . 111 112 Jones Charlie Son W M June 1881 19 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 10 46 7A . . 111 112 Jones Andrew Son W M Feb 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 11 46 7A . . 112 113 Rice Kattie Head W F July 1859 42 WD . 11 7 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 112 . 7A 12 46 7A . . 112 113 Rice Azzie Daughter W F Feb 1889 11 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 13 46 7A . . 112 113 Rice Ratchil Daughter W F Nov 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 14 46 7A . . 112 113 Rice Harvie Son W M Mar 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 15 46 7A . . 112 113 Rice Mellie Daughter W F Dec 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 16 46 7A . . 113 114 Matis Bern Head W M Feb 1872 28 M 3 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 113 . 7A 17 46 7A . . 113 114 Matis Marget Wife W F Nov 1882 17 M 3 2 2 Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 18 46 7A . . 113 114 Matis Turner Son W M May 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 19 46 7A . . 113 114 Matis Oliver Son W M Apr 1900 1/12 M 19 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 7A 20 46 7A . . 114 115 Nichols Alford Head W M Mar 1860 40 M 19 2 2 Indiana Pennsylvania New York . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 114 . 7A 21 46 7A . . 114 115 Nichols Lizzia Wife W F Mar 1861 39 S . . . Illinois Illinois Virginia . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 22 46 7A . . 114 115 Nichols Dale Son W M May 1882 18 S . . . Illinois Indiana Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 23 46 7A . . 114 115 Nichols Gracie Daughter W F Dec 1885 14 S . . . Illinois Indiana Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 24 46 7A . . 115 116 Hunter J. O. Boarder W M Apr 1872 28 . . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . Grocer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 115 . 7A 25 46 7A . . 116 117 Reininger Peter Head W M June 1832 67 M 47 . . Ohio Pennsylvania Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 116 . 7A 26 46 7A . . 116 117 Reininger Jane Wife W F Apr 1833 67 M 47 11 5 Ohio Maryland Maryland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 27 46 7A . . 116 117 Reininger Live Son W M Jan 1869 31 S . . . Illinois Ohio Ohio . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 28 46 7A . . 116 117 Steel Peter Boarder W M Oct 1885 14 M 33 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 29 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Maggie Head W F Aug 1850 49 M 33 12 11 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes O M F 117 . 7A 30 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Mich Son W M Oct 1876 23 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 31 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Willie Son W M Sept 1879 20 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 32 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr John Son W M Sept 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 33 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Mary Daughter W F Sept 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 34 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Clara Daughter W F Sept 1886 13 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 35 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Maggie Daughter W F Feb 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 36 46 7A . . 117 118 Zettr Hannon Son W M Apr 1884 6 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 37 46 7A . . 118 119 Roberts Sarah Head W F Feb 1841 59 WD . 11 4 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 118 . 7A 38 46 7A . . 118 119 Roberts John Son W M Feb 1868 32 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 4 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 39 46 7A . . 119 120 Jones Tomasz Head W M Mar 1872 28 M 1 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R M F 119 . 7A 40 46 7A . . 119 120 Jones Minnie Wife W F Sept 1876 23 M 1 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 41 46 7A . . 119 120 Jones Agness Daughter W F Jan 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 42 46 7A . . 120 121 Martin Porter Head W M Nov 1834 66 WD . . . Germany Germany Germany 1857 43 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O F F 120 . 7A 43 46 7A . . 121 122 St. John John Head W M Sept 1860 39 M 14 . . Illinois France France . . . Day Labor 3 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 121 . 7A 44 46 7A . . 121 122 St. John Mary Wife W F Jan 1873 27 M 14 4 4 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7A 45 46 7A . . 121 122 St. John Eloner Daughter W F Oct 1886 13 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 46 46 7A . . 121 122 St. John Josep Son W M Aug 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 47 46 7A . . 121 122 St. John Annia Daughter W F Apr 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 48 46 7A . . 121 122 St. John Berttie Daughter W F June 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7A 49 46 7A . . 122 123 Plinfert John Head W M Jan 1848 52 M 26 9 . Germany Germany Germany 1861 39 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 122 . 7A 50 46 7A . . 122 123 Plinfert Carline Wife W F Oct 1850 49 M 26 9 6 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 7B 51 46 7B . . 122 123 Plinfert Kattie Daughter W F Apr 1880 20 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 8 1900 7B 52 46 7B . . 122 123 Plinfert John Son W M Aug 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 53 46 7B . . 122 123 Plinfert Mary Daughter W F June 1889 10 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 54 46 7B . . 122 123 Plinfert Henry Son W M Aug 1893 6 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 55 46 7B . . 123 124 Kieffer Nick Head W M Nov 1872 27 M 4 . . Germany Germany Germany 1881 18 NA Day Labor 3 . Yes Yes Yes R M F 123 . 7B 56 46 7B . . 123 124 Kieffer Lizzie Wife W F Apr 1878 22 M 4 3 3 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 57 46 7B . . 123 124 Kieffer Era Daughter W F Aug 1896 3 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 58 46 7B . . 123 124 Kieffer Peter Son W M Mar 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 59 46 7B . . 123 124 Kieffer Lena Daughter W F Jan 1900 4/12 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 7B 60 46 7B . . 124 125 Grear John Head W M Apr 1878 22 M 4 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 124 . 7B 61 46 7B . . 124 125 Grear Hettie Wife W F Mar 1877 23 M 4 3 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 62 46 7B . . 124 125 Grear Laney Daughter W F Mar 1897 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 63 46 7B . . 124 125 Grear Bream Son W M July 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 64 46 7B . . 124 125 Grear Miram M In Law W F July 1839 60 WD . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 65 46 7B . . 124 125 Turiner W. M. Boarder W M June 1874 25 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 4 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 66 46 7B . . 125 126 Peotrouske Milo Head W M Apr 1874 26 M 5 . . Michigan Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 125 . 7B 67 46 7B . . 125 126 Peotrouske Mellie Wife W F Oct 1878 21 M 5 2 2 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 68 46 7B . . 125 126 Peotrouske Eduard Son W M May 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Michigan Illinois . . . . . . No Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 69 46 7B . . 125 126 Peotrouske Danuel Son W M Oct 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Michigan Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 70 46 7B . . 126 127 Luls Joe Head W M Nov 1837 63 M 35 . . Ohio New York Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 126 . 7B 71 46 7B . . 126 127 Luls Mary Wife W F Apr 1865 35 M 35 1 1 Illinois Indiana Indiana . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 72 46 7B . . 126 127 Luls Cory Daughter W F Nov 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Ohio Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 73 46 7B . . 126 127 Hester Alice Servant W F Oct 1879 20 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 74 46 7B . . 126 127 Hester Talot Servant W M May 1880 20 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 75 46 7B . . 127 128 Ghrodise Francis Head W F May 1870 30 WD . 5 5 Poland Poland Poland 1881 19 . . . . No No Yes O M F 127 . 7B 76 46 7B . . 127 128 Ghrodise Bill Son W M Feb 1885 15 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 77 46 7B . . 127 128 Ghrodise Perl Daughter W F Dec 1887 12 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 78 46 7B . . 127 128 Ghrodise Erich Son W M Apr 1889 11 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 79 46 7B . . 127 128 Ghrodise Sofia Daughter W F May 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 80 46 7B . . 127 128 Ghrodise Joe Son W M Apr 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 81 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Geo. Head W M Jan 1855 45 M 16 . . Germany Germany Germany 1871 28 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 128 . 7B 82 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Anna Wife W F May 1858 42 M 16 9 9 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 7B 83 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Frank Son W M Dec 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 84 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Joe Son W M Mar 1887 13 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 85 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Tatos Son W M Mar 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 86 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Agness Daughter W F Apr 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 87 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Victor Son W M Aug 1882 7 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 88 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Clara Daughter W F Sept 1893 6 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 89 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Nellie Daughter W F Mar 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 90 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Mamie Daughter W F Apr 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 91 46 7B . . 128 129 Balanwick Mericle Daughter W F Apr 1900 1/12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 7B 92 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick John Head W M Apr 1852 48 M 23 . . Germany Germany Germany 1871 28 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 129 . 7B 93 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick Mary Wife W F Mar 1862 38 M 23 9 5 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 94 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick Kattie Daughter W F July 1881 18 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 95 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick Steve Son W M Aug 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 96 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick Myrtle Daughter W F Jan 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 7B 97 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick Frank Son W M Apr 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 7B 98 46 7B . . 129 130 Balanwick Ward Son W M June 1899 11/12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 7B 99 46 7B . . 130 131 Mehring Lamon Head W M Mar 1854 46 M 19 . . Germany Germany Germany 1881 19 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O F F 130 . 7B 100 46 7B . . 130 131 Mehring Millie Wife W F Feb 1860 40 M 19 8 6 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 8A 1 46 8A . . 130 131 Mehring Roney Daughter W F May 1897 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . JUNE 11 1900 8A 2 46 8A . . 131 132 Springer Fred Head W M Dec 1837 62 M 40 . . Germany Germany Germany 1848 52 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 142 . 8A 3 46 8A . . 131 132 Springer Mary Wife W F Mar 1839 61 M 40 8 7 Germany Germany Germany 1848 52 NA . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 4 46 8A . . 131 132 Springer William Son W M Nov 1875 24 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 5 46 8A . . 131 132 Springer Eddie Son W M Apr 1877 23 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 6 46 8A . . 131 132 Springer Guss Son W M June 1880 19 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 7 46 8A . . 132 133 Nickens R. S. Head W M Apr 1832 68 M 46 . . Tennessee N. Carolina N. Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 143 . 8A 8 46 8A . . 132 133 Nickens Susan Wife W F June 1834 65 M 46 9 8 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 9 46 8A . . 132 133 Nickens David Son W M Apr 1877 23 S . . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 10 46 8A . . 132 133 Nickens Walter Son W M Dec 1880 19 S . . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 11 46 8A . . 132 133 Nickens Dora Daughter W F Dec 1880 19 S . . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 12 46 8A . . 133 134 Nickens Will Head W M Apr 1873 27 M 4 . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Day Laborer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R M F 144 . 8A 13 46 8A . . 133 134 Nickens Serahun Wife W F June 1881 18 M 4 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 14 46 8A . . 133 134 Nickens Harlon Son W M July 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 15 46 8A . . 133 134 Nickens Eddna Daughter W F Oct 1900 7/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 8A 16 46 8A . . 134 135 Roeher Mike Head W M Feb 1830 70 M 45 . . Poland Poland Poland 1878 22 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 145 . 8A 17 46 8A . . 134 135 Roeher Helena Wife W F Aug 1849 50 M 45 12 7 Poland Poland Poland 1878 22 . . . . No No No . . . . . 8A 18 46 8A . . 134 135 Roeher Joe Son W M Sept 1880 19 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 19 46 8A . . 134 135 Roeher Agness Daughter W F July 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 20 46 8A . . 134 135 Roeher Sam Son W M May 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 21 46 8A . . 134 135 Roeher Tatt Son W M Aug 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 22 46 8A . . 135 136 Schobar August Head W M Apr 1837 63 M 32 . . Germany Germany Germany 1871 29 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O F F 146 . 8A 23 46 8A . . 135 136 Schobar Agness Wife W F Jan 1845 55 M 32 9 5 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 24 46 8A . . 135 136 Schobar Mike Son W M Sept 1880 19 S . . . Pennsylvania Germany Germany . . . Farm Laborer 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 25 46 8A . . 135 136 Schobar Rosy Daughter W F Sept 1881 18 S . . . Pennsylvania Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 26 46 8A . . 135 136 Schobar John Son W M Mar 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Laborer 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 27 46 8A . . 136 137 Schobar Josep Head W M June 1870 29 M 7 . . Pennsylvania Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 147 . 8A 28 46 8A . . 136 137 Schobar Kattie Wife W F Apr 1870 30 M 7 4 4 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 29 46 8A . . 136 137 Schobar Francis Daughter W F Sept 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 8A 30 46 8A . . 136 137 Schobar Rosy Daughter W F Aug 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 31 46 8A . . 136 137 Schobar Johnie Son W M May 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 32 46 8A . . 136 137 Schobar Frank Son W M Sept 1899 8/12 . . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 8A 33 46 8A . . 137 138 Feltener Louis Head W M Nov 1859 40 M 21 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 148 . 8A 34 46 8A . . 137 138 Feltener Annia Wife W F June 1861 38 M 21 7 4 Kentucky Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 35 46 8A . . 137 138 Feltener Charlie Son W M Dec 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Illinois Kentucky . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 36 46 8A . . 137 138 Feltener Dora Daughter W F Apr 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Kentucky . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 37 46 8A . . 137 138 Feltener Frank Son W M Sept 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Kentucky . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 38 46 8A . . 137 138 Feltener Eddie Son W M Sept 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Kentucky . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 39 46 8A . . 138 139 Jenkel Georg Head W M Jan 1870 30 M 5 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 149 . 8A 40 46 8A . . 138 139 Jenkel Minnie Wife W F May 1874 26 M 5 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 41 46 8A . . 139 140 Bathon Frank Head W M Nov 1866 33 M 6 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 150 . 8A 42 46 8A . . 139 140 Bathon Christine Wife W F June 1874 25 M 6 4 4 Illinois Germany New York . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 43 46 8A . . 139 140 Bathon Mary Daughter W F Jan 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 44 46 8A . . 139 140 Bathon Adam Son W M Aug 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 45 46 8A . . 139 140 Bathon Robert Son W M Feb 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8A 46 46 8A . . 139 140 Bathon Edward Son W M Oct 1899 9/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 8A 47 46 8A . . 140 141 Mondy Charlie Head W M May 1835 65 M 43 . . New York Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 151 . 8A 48 46 8A . . 140 141 Mondy Mary Wife W F July 1837 62 M 43 11 8 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 49 46 8A . . 140 141 Smith Charlie Boarder W M Mar 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 2 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8A 50 46 8A . . 141 142 Young Will Head W M Apr 1849 51 M 11 . . Ohio Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 152 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 8B 51 46 8B . . 141 142 Young Mary Daughter W F July 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 11 1900 8B 52 46 8B . . 141 142 Young Marie Son W M Jan 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 53 46 8B . . 141 142 Young Ferna Daughter W F Nov 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 54 46 8B . . 141 142 Young Frank Son W M Sept 1893 6 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 55 46 8B . . 141 142 Young Henry Son W M Jan 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 56 46 8B . . 141 142 Young Clara Daughter W F May 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 57 46 8B . . 142 143 Gross Minnie Head W F Jan 1835 65 WD . 8 3 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . M F 131 . 8B 58 46 8B . . 143 144 Piotronski John Head W M Nov 1866 33 M 11 . . Germany Germany Germany 1873 27 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes . M F 132 . 8B 59 46 8B . . 143 144 Piotronski Annetta Wife W F Jan 1869 31 M 11 3 3 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 60 46 8B . . 143 144 Piotronski Aloizyus Son W M June 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 61 46 8B . . 143 144 Piotronski Theresa Daughter W F Sept 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 62 46 8B . . 143 144 Piotronski Cecilia Daughter W F May 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 63 46 8B . . 144 145 Kooper Robert Head W M Aug 1834 65 WD . . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Farm Labor 0 . No No Yes O F F 133 . 8B 64 46 8B . . 145 146 Hawthorn James Head W M Jan 1877 23 M 4 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 134 . 8B 65 46 8B . . 145 146 Hawthorn Mary Wife W F Mar 1877 23 M 4 3 3 Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 66 46 8B . . 145 146 Hawthorn Clara Daughter W F Mar 1897 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 67 46 8B . . 145 146 Hawthorn Edna Daughter W F Aug 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 68 46 8B . . 145 146 Hawthorn Charlie Son W M Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 8B 69 46 8B . . 145 146 Chrowt Edgar Boarder W M Jan 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . Day Labor 4 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 70 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch John Head W M Apr 1842 58 M 27 . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes O F F 135 . 8B 71 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch Sarah Wife W F Jan 1855 45 M 27 10 9 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 72 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch Charles Son W M Aug 1880 19 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 73 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch Kattie Daughter W F July 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 74 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch Carril Son W M Jan 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 75 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch David Son W M Jan 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 76 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch William Son W M Sept 1896 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 77 46 8B . . 146 147 Linch John Son W M Aug 1899 9/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 136 . 8B 78 46 8B . . 147 148 Booker William Head W M Mar 1844 56 M 31 . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 79 46 8B . . 147 148 Booker Esebell Wife W F July 1851 48 M 31 8 6 Illinois Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 80 46 8B . . 147 148 Booker Mary Daughter W F Apr 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Tennessee Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 81 46 8B . . 147 148 Booker Leata Daughter W F Nov 1889 10 S . . . Illinois Tennessee Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 82 46 8B . . 147 148 Booker Inas Daughter W F July 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Tennessee Illinois . . . . . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 83 46 8B . . 148 149 Wyn C. E. Head W M Oct 1871 28 M 10 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 137 . 8B 84 46 8B . . 148 149 Wyn Adia Wife W F Aug 1872 27 M 10 2 2 Missouri Tennessee Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 85 46 8B . . 148 149 Wyn Elva Daughter W F May 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Missouri . . . . . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 86 46 8B . . 148 149 Wyn Floid Son W F Jan 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Missouri . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 87 46 8B . . 149 150 Ash William Head W M July 1870 29 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 138 . 8B 88 46 8B . . 149 150 Ash Eduard Servant W M June 1875 24 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 89 46 8B . . 149 150 Ash Jane M In Law W F Oct 1845 54 WD . 6 4 Illinois Tennessee Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 90 46 8B . . 150 151 Brown Elizabeth Head W F Dec 1840 59 WD 41 9 6 Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 139 . 8B 91 46 8B . . 150 151 Brown Robert Son W M May 1872 28 S . . . Illinois Missouri Missouri . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 92 46 8B . . 150 151 Brown Gracie Daughter W F Apr 1872 28 S . . . Illinois Missouri Missouri . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 93 46 8B . . 151 152 Mose Leo Head W M Sept 1892 7 M 17 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 140 . 8B 94 46 8B . . 151 152 Mose Susan Wife W F July 1861 38 M 17 6 4 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 95 46 8B . . 151 152 Mose Lizzie Daughter W F May 1862 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 96 46 8B . . 151 152 Mose Osker Son W M Sept 1884 11 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 97 46 8B . . 151 152 Mose Jane Daughter W F Jan 1889 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 8B 98 46 8B . . 151 152 Mose Otto Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 8B 99 46 8B . . 152 153 Linch Adam Head W M June 1871 28 M 4 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 141 . 8B 100 46 8B . . 152 153 Linch Mary Wife W F June 1873 26 M 4 2 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 9A 1 46 9A . . 152 153 Linch Hattie Wife W F Dec 1870 29 M 21 5 4 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 13 1900 9A 2 46 9A . . 152 153 Linch Will Son W M Feb 1880 20 S . . . Illinois Ohio Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 3 46 9A . . 152 153 Linch Charlie Son W M Apr 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Ohio Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 4 46 9A . . 152 153 Linch Kattie Daughter W F Oct 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Ohio Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 5 46 9A . . 153 154 Freim John Head W M Jan 1862 38 M 3 . . Germany Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 153 . 9A 6 46 9A . . 153 154 Freim Annia Wife W F Jan 1872 28 M 3 2 2 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 7 46 9A . . 153 154 Freim Eduard Son W M Feb 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9A 8 46 9A . . 153 154 Freim Henry Son W M Nov 1899 6/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 9A 9 46 9A . . 153 154 Ferina Peter Boarder W M Dec 1840 59 WD . . . Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 10 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Johnie Head W M Nov 1859 40 M 20 . . Illinois Europe Europe . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 154 . 9A 11 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Hattie Wife W F Oct 1872 27 M 20 6 5 Europe Europe Europe . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9A 12 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Birte Daughter W F Dec 1893 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Europe . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 13 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Bette Daughter W F Aug 1896 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Europe . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9A 14 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Fred Son W M Dec 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Europe . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9A 15 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Johnie Son W M Oct 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Europe . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9A 16 46 9A . . 154 155 Balhame Harry Son W M Mar 1900 2/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Europe . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 9A 17 46 9A . . 155 156 Philip Annia Head W F June 1850 49 WD . 8 4 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 155 . 9A 18 46 9A . . 155 156 Philip Adam Son W M Jan 1885 15 S . . . Missouri Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 19 46 9A . . 155 156 Philip Mary Daughter W F Mar 1891 9 S . . . Missouri Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 20 46 9A . . 155 156 Philip Lizzie Daughter W F Mar 1891 9 S . . . Missouri Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 21 46 9A . . 155 156 Philip Johnie Son W M Feb 1893 7 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 22 46 9A . . 156 157 Mc Crary Nell Head W M Apr 1845 55 M 31 . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 156 . 9A 23 46 9A . . 156 157 Mc Crary Marget Wife W F Jan 1850 50 M 31 10 4 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 24 46 9A . . 156 157 Mc Crary Ezra Son W M Apr 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 25 46 9A . . 156 157 Mc Crary Jessie Son W M Aug 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 26 46 9A . . 157 158 Mc Crary Hary Head W M Sept 1878 21 M 1 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 157 . 9A 27 46 9A . . 157 158 Mc Crary Stella Wife W F Oct 1880 19 M 1 0 0 Illinois Wisconsin Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9A 28 46 9A . . 157 158 Kelil William Boarder W M Sept 1874 25 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1875 25 NA Day Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 29 46 9A . . 158 159 Kopp William Head W M Jan 1849 41 D . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 158 . 9A 30 46 9A . . 159 160 Balhamer Elizbell Head W F Sept 1840 59 WD . 9 5 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes O M F 159 . 9A 31 46 9A . . 160 161 Balhamer William Head W M Aug 1880 19 M 1 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 160 . 9A 32 46 9A . . 160 161 Balhamer Dora Wife W F Sept 1882 17 M 1 0 0 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 33 46 9A . . 160 161 Rual Ennia Servant W F Aug 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes No Yes . . . . . 9A 34 46 9A . . 161 162 Eichlsor Maggie Head W F July 1848 51 WD . 10 7 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 161 . 9A 35 46 9A . . 161 162 Eichlsor Lizzie Daughter W F May 1881 19 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 36 46 9A . . 161 162 Eichlsor Jacob Son W M July 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 37 46 9A . . 161 162 Eichlsor Charlie Son W M May 1885 15 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 38 46 9A . . 162 163 Eichhoz Philip Head W M Feb 1836 64 WD . . . Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 162 . 9A 39 46 9A . . 162 163 Eichhoz Philip Son W M Mar 1877 23 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 40 46 9A . . 163 164 Kellerman Peter Head W M Dec 1875 24 M 5 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 163 . 9A 41 46 9A . . 163 164 Kellerman Loney Wife W F June 1876 23 M 5 1 1 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 42 46 9A . . 163 164 Kellerman Georgia Son W M Mar 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 43 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan John Head W M June 1850 49 M 28 . . Poland Poland Poland 1872 28 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 164 . 9A 44 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Kattie Wife W F Oct 1850 49 M 28 13 12 Poland Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 45 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Peter Son W M Dec 1878 21 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 46 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Annia Daughter W F Aug 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 47 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Johnie Son W M Aug 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 48 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Mary Daughter W F Nov 1885 14 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 49 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Annia Daughter W F July 1887 12 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9A 50 46 9A . . 164 165 Keynan Ellen Daughter W F Nov 1889 10 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 9B 51 46 9B . . 164 165 Keynan Joe Son W M July 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 13 1900 9B 52 46 9B . . 164 165 Keynan Sofia Daughter W F Nov 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 53 46 9B . . 165 166 Arnette A. J. Head W M Apr 1851 49 M 28 . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 165 . 9B 54 46 9B . . 165 166 Arnette Lucy Wife W F Sept 1862 37 M 28 4 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 55 46 9B . . 165 166 Arnette Mellie Daughter W F Mar 1893 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 56 46 9B . . 165 166 Arnette Winnie Daughter W F Apr 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 57 46 9B . . 166 167 Schmidt Henry Head W M Dec 1858 41 M 20 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 166 . 9B 58 46 9B . . 166 167 Schmidt Carline Wife W F July 1863 36 M 20 10 3 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 59 46 9B . . 166 167 Schmidt Liveisa Daughter W F July 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 1 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 60 46 9B . . 166 167 Schmidt Henry Son W M Oct 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 61 46 9B . . 167 168 Ritter John Head W M Sept 1865 34 M 5 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 167 . 9B 62 46 9B . . 167 168 Ritter Ferma Wife W F July 1878 21 M 5 3 2 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 63 46 9B . . 167 168 Ritter Lena Daughter W F Sept 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 64 46 9B . . 167 168 Ritter Clara Daughter W F Jan 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 65 46 9B . . 168 169 Davis Dan Head W M Apr 1870 30 M 12 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 168 . 9B 66 46 9B . . 168 169 Davis Mollie Wife W F July 1876 23 M 12 3 3 Indiana Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 67 46 9B . . 168 169 Davis Lena Daughter W F Feb 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Indiana . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 68 46 9B . . 168 169 Davis Herbet Son W M Feb 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Indiana . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 69 46 9B . . 168 169 Davis Ora Son W M Aug 1896 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Indiana . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 70 46 9B . . 169 170 Marlow Isal Head W M Oct 1832 67 M 40 . . Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 167 . 9B 71 46 9B . . 169 170 Marlow Mary Wife W F Dec 1846 53 M 40 9 5 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 72 46 9B . . 169 170 Senons Walter Boarder W M Oct 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Day Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 73 46 9B . . 169 170 Senons Lenard Boarder W M Aug 1887 12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Day Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 74 46 9B . . 169 170 Senons Sadia Servant W F Mar 1893 7 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Servant . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 75 46 9B . . 170 171 Marlow Tom Head W M Nov 1870 29 WD . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 170 . 9B 76 46 9B . . 170 171 Marlow Izah Son W M Aug 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 77 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek Will Head W M Oct 1860 39 M 29 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 171 . 9B 78 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek Mary Wife W F Oct 1853 46 M 29 10 7 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 79 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek John Son W M Jan 1881 19 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 80 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek Robert Son W M May 1883 17 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 81 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek Lara Daughter W F May 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 82 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek Palmar Son W M Oct 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 83 46 9B . . 171 172 Cleek Mary Daughter W F Mar 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 84 46 9B . . 172 173 Cheek Aurthur Head W M Apr 1853 46 M 8 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 172 . 9B 85 46 9B . . 172 173 Cheek Jane Wife W F Jan 1868 32 M 8 2 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 86 46 9B . . 172 173 Cheek Sarah Daughter W F Mar 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 87 46 9B . . 173 174 Beggs Robert Head W M Aug 1828 71 WD 48 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 173 . 9B 88 46 9B . . 173 174 Beggs Kattie Servant W F Nov 1846 53 S . . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . . . Servant 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 89 46 9B . . 173 174 Beggs Willie Servant W M Sept 1860 39 S . . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 90 46 9B . . 173 174 Mulligan Pobert Boarder W M June 1883 17 S . . . Ireland Scotland Ireland . . . Day Labor 4 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 91 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann John Head W M Aug 1859 40 M 16 . . Missouri Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 174 . 9B 92 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann Burylite Wife W F Jan 1860 40 M 16 5 5 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 93 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann Carline Daughter W F Apr 1885 15 S . . . Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 94 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann Lizzie Daughter W F Sept 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 95 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann Minnie Daughter W F May 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 96 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann Ella Daughter W F Sept 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 97 46 9B . . 174 175 Thormann Emma Daughter W F Dec 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 9B 98 46 9B . . 175 176 Lubler Arthur Head W M Apr 1869 31 M 11 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Painter 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 175 . 9B 99 46 9B . . 175 176 Lubler Effie Wife W F Dec 1871 28 M 11 8 5 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 9B 100 46 9B . . 175 176 Lubler Tomas Son W M Apr 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 10A 1 46 10A . . 175 176 Lubler Blanch Daughter W F Apr 1893 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 14 1900 10A 2 46 10A . . 175 176 Lubler Georg Son W M Apr 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 3 46 10A . . 175 176 Lubler Frank Son W M Nov 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 4 46 10A . . 175 176 Lubler Effie Daughter W F Feb 1900 3/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 10A 5 46 10A . . 176 177 Ritter Carlina Head W F July 1835 64 WD . 9 6 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 176 . 10A 6 46 10A . . 176 177 Ritter Casper Son W M Feb 1869 38 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 7 46 10A . . 177 178 Zett Henry Head W M Dec 1867 32 M 8 . . Illinois New Orleans Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 177 . 10A 8 46 10A . . 177 178 Zett Annia Wife W F Apr 1870 30 M 9 1 1 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 9 46 10A . . 177 178 Zett Johnie Son W M Mar 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 10 46 10A . . 178 179 Balhmer Wesley Head W M Aug 1878 21 M 1 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 178 . 10A 11 46 10A . . 178 179 Balhmer Gurta Wife W F Oct 1882 17 M 1 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 12 46 10A . . 178 179 Balhmer Adatta Daughter W F Nov 1899 6/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 10A 13 46 10A . . 179 180 Demfray William Head W M Mar 1862 38 M 8 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 179 . 10A 14 46 10A . . 179 180 Demfray Annia Wife W F July 1874 25 M 8 4 4 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 15 46 10A . . 179 180 Demfray Laurence Son W M July 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 16 46 10A . . 179 180 Demfray Elsa Daughter W F Sept 1896 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 17 46 10A . . 179 180 Demfray Erma Daughter W F Aug 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 18 46 10A . . 179 180 Demfray Mary Daughter W F Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 10A 19 46 10A . . 180 181 Larkins John Head W M Oct 1878 21 M 2 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 180 . 10A 20 46 10A . . 180 181 Larkins Sarah Wife W F July 1880 19 M 2 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 21 46 10A . . 180 181 Larkins Georg Son W M Sept 1899 8/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 10A 22 46 10A . . 181 182 Logan Rube Head W M Aug 1846 53 M 24 . . Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 181 . 10A 23 46 10A . . 181 182 Logan Annia Wife W F Jan 1845 55 M 24 6 6 Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 24 46 10A . . 181 182 Logan James Son W M Oct 1874 25 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 25 46 10A . . 181 182 Logan Lucy Daughter W F Mar 1883 17 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 26 46 10A . . 181 182 Logan Birth Son W M Apr 1885 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 27 46 10A . . 181 182 Logan May Daughter W F Mar 1887 13 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 28 46 10A . . 182 183 Mc Kinstry Tom Head W M May 1864 36 S . . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 182 . 10A 29 46 10A . . 182 183 Mc Kinstry Willie Boarder W M Nov 1867 32 S . . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Day Labor 4 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 30 46 10A . . 183 184 Mc Kinstry William Head W M May 1830 70 M 49 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 183 . 10A 31 46 10A . . 183 184 Mc Kinstry Maggie Wife W F Feb 1841 59 M 49 8 4 Illinois Virginia Ireland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 32 46 10A . . 184 185 Mc Anne Robert Head W M Sept 1854 45 M 9 . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 184 . 10A 33 46 10A . . 184 185 Mc Anne Bell Wife W F Apr 1873 27 M 9 5 5 Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 34 46 10A . . 184 185 Mc Anne Altie Daughter W F Oct 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 35 46 10A . . 184 185 Mc Anne Limon Son W M Feb 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 36 46 10A . . 184 185 Mc Anne Annia Daughter W F Apr 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 37 46 10A . . 184 185 Mc Anne Edna Daughter W F Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 10A 38 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Henry Head W M Nov 1860 39 M 15 . . Cincinnati Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 185 . 10A 39 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Mary Wife W F May 1865 35 M 15 7 7 Illinois Boston Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 40 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Fred Son W M Apr 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 41 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Trese Daughter W F Jan 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 42 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Joe Son W M Sept 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 43 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Georg Son W M Sept 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 44 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Ella Daughter W F Dec 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 45 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Leanord Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10A 46 46 10A . . 185 186 Mantley Bert Son W M Oct 1899 9/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Cincinnati . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 10A 47 46 10A . . 186 187 Mc Crary T. H. Head W M Oct 1858 41 M 12 . . Illinois S. Carolina Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 186 . 10A 48 46 10A . . 186 187 Mc Crary Mamie Wife W F July 1869 30 M 12 3 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 49 46 10A . . 186 187 Mc Crary Roy Son W M Jan 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10A 50 46 10A . . 186 187 Mc Crary Ellen Daughter W F Jan 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 10B 1 46 10B . . 186 187 Mc Crary Gracie Servant W F Feb 1872 18 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 15 1900 10B 52 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Elaxander Head W M May 1844 56 M 17 . . Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 187 . 10B 53 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Elen Wife W F Aug 1863 36 M 17 6 6 Illinois S. Carolina Ireland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 54 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Alice Daughter W F Apr 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 55 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Rena Son W M Feb 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 56 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Ella Daughter W F Feb 1888 12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 57 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Maud Daughter W F Mar 1893 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 58 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Estar Daughter W F Nov 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 59 46 10B . . 187 188 Craig Jane Daughter W F May 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 60 46 10B . . 188 189 Mc Kinstry Annia Head W F May 1842 58 WD . 4 4 Maryland Maryland Maryland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 188 . 10B 61 46 10B . . 188 189 Mc Kinstry Fannie Daughter W F Feb 1856 24 S . . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 62 46 10B . . 188 189 Mc Kinstry David Son W M Feb 1878 22 S . . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 63 46 10B . . 188 189 Mc Kinstry Robert Son W M Jan 1880 20 S . . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 64 46 10B . . 188 189 Mc Kinstry Sam Son W M Jan 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 65 46 10B . . 189 190 Mc Kinstry Mary Head W F May 1837 63 WD . 7 5 Maryland Maryland Maryland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 189 . 10B 66 46 10B . . 189 190 Mc Kinstry John Son W M Mar 1852 48 S . . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 67 46 10B . . 189 190 Mc Kinstry Elexander Son W M Oct 1866 33 S . . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 68 46 10B . . 190 191 Mc Kinstry R. J. Head W M Sept 1864 35 M 2 . . Illinois Maryland Maryland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 190 . 10B 69 46 10B . . 190 191 Mc Kinstry Josie Wife W F Sept 1878 21 M 2 0 0 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 70 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry David Head W M Apr 1850 50 M 23 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 191 . 10B 71 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Mary Wife W F Oct 1854 45 M 23 9 8 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 72 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Lizzy Daughter W F Feb 1880 20 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 73 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Luly Daughter W F Mar 1882 18 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 74 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Tom Son W M Aug 1885 14 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 75 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Gracie Daughter W F Apr 1887 13 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 76 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Winnie Daughter W F Jan 1889 11 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 77 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Sarah Daughter W F Mar 1892 8 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 78 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Bertie Son W M Sept 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 79 46 10B . . 191 192 Mc Kinstry Clara Daughter W F Sept 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 80 46 10B . . 192 193 Buster John Head W M Apr 1854 46 M 23 . . Ohio Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 192 . 10B 81 46 10B . . 192 193 Buster Kattie Wife W F Oct 1855 44 M 23 7 4 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 82 46 10B . . 192 193 Buster Adam Son W M Oct 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Ohio Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 83 46 10B . . 192 193 Buster Carrie Daughter W F Dec 1886 13 S . . . Illinois Ohio Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 84 46 10B . . 193 194 Ruffert Charles Head W M Sept 1843 56 WD . . . Europe Europe Europe 1842 58 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 193 . 10B 85 46 10B . . 193 194 Ruffert Alord Son W M Apr 1882 18 S . . . Illinois Europe Europe . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 86 46 10B . . 193 194 Ruffert Josep Son W M Jun 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Europe Europe . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 87 46 10B . . 194 195 Gill Mich Head W M Dec 1869 30 M 4 . . Europe Europe Europe 1879 21 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 194 . 10B 88 46 10B . . 194 195 Gill Janey Wife W F May 1872 28 M 4 0 0 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 89 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Henry Head W M Apr 1864 36 M 13 . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 195 . 10B 90 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Linnea Wife W F Nov 1870 29 M 13 7 6 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 91 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Alvie Son W M Sept 1887 12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 92 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Mary Daughter W F Jan 1889 11 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 93 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Otto Son W M Oct 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 94 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Anisia Daughter W F Jan 1893 7 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 95 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Harry Son W M Feb 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 96 46 10B . . 195 196 Hull Clara Daughter W F Feb 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 10B 97 46 10B . . 196 197 Hubler Tyaden Head W M Nov 1841 58 WD . . . Missouri Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 196 . 10B 98 46 10B . . 196 197 Hubler Harmon Son W M Sept 1881 18 S . . . Illinois Missouri Missouri . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 99 46 10B . . 196 197 Hubler Annie Daughter W F Sept 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Missouri Missouri . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 10B 100 46 10B . . 196 197 Hubler Ida Daughter W F Sept 1886 13 S . . . Illinois Missouri Missouri . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 11A 1 46 11A . . 196 197 Hubler Mary Daughter W F Feb 1891 9 S . . . Illinois Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 15 1900 11A 2 46 11A . . 197 198 Gass Ben Head W M May 1861 39 M 11 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 197 . 11A 3 46 11A . . 197 198 Gass Marthia Wife W F Oct 1870 29 M 11 6 4 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 4 46 11A . . 197 198 Gass Lara Daughter W F Sept 1889 10 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 5 46 11A . . 197 198 Gass Tilla Daughter W F Oct 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 6 46 11A . . 197 198 Gass Kattie Daughter W F Dec 1896 3 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 7 46 11A . . 197 198 Gass Clara Daughter W F Jan 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 8 46 11A . . 198 199 Schniel Fred Head W M Oct 1868 31 M 8 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 198 . 11A 9 46 11A . . 198 199 Schniel Annia Wife W F Feb 1875 25 M 8 4 4 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 10 46 11A . . 199 200 Murray John Head W M Mar 1860 40 M 10 . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 199 . 11A 11 46 11A . . 199 200 Murray Mary Wife W F Aug 1875 24 M 10 3 3 Illinois Indiana Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 12 46 11A . . 199 200 Murray Daniel Son W M Sept 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 13 46 11A . . 199 200 Murray Matie Daughter W F Sept 1893 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 14 46 11A . . 199 200 Murray Mary Daughter W F Mar 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11A 15 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin John Head W M Nov 1853 46 M 21 . . Pennsylvania France France . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 200 . 11A 16 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Elizell Wife W F Feb 1859 41 M 21 9 9 Illinois Prussia Prussia . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 17 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin John Son W M Nov 1881 18 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 18 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Rosy Daughter W F Aug 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 19 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Maggie Daughter W F Mar 1885 15 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 20 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Henry Son W M Jun 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 21 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Threcia Daughter W F Jan 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 22 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Anton Son W M Sept 1872 7 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 23 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Josep Son W M June 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11A 24 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Annia Daughter W F July 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11A 25 46 11A . . 200 201 Sterin Frank Son W M May 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 201 . 11A 26 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Henry Head W M Apr 1850 50 M 30 . . Germany Germany Germany 1870 30 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 27 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Rose Wife W F June 1853 46 M 30 9 8 France France France . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 28 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Henry Son W M Dec 1868 31 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 29 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman August Son W M Jan 1871 29 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 30 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Annia Daughter W F Dec 1873 26 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 31 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Anton Son W M June 1875 24 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 32 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Frank Son W M May 1877 23 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 33 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Rosy Daughter W F Sept 1878 21 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 34 46 11A . . 201 202 Kellerman Willie Son W M Dec 1885 14 S . . . Illinois Germany France . . . Farm Labor O . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 35 46 11A . . 202 203 Woodrich James Head W M Mar 1852 48 M 28 . . Illinois Kentucky Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 202 . 11A 36 46 11A . . 202 203 Woodrich Mary Wife W F May 1855 45 M 28 6 4 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 37 46 11A . . 202 203 Woodrich Hugh Son W M Dec 1878 21 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 38 46 11A . . 202 203 Woodrich Mary Daughter W F June 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 39 46 11A . . 202 203 Woodrich E. J. Son W M Mar 1892 7 S 1 . . Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 40 46 11A . . 203 204 Chantler William Head W M Feb 1878 22 M 1 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 203 . 11A 41 46 11A . . 203 204 Chantler Marthie Wife W F Aug 1882 17 M 1 0 0 Illinois Illinois Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 42 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Andrew Head W M Apr 1851 49 M 26 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 204 . 11A 43 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Telitha Wife W F Oct 1855 44 M 26 6 3 Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 44 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Willie Son W M Feb 1877 23 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 45 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Rory Daughter W F Nov 1881 18 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 46 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Leanord Son W M Sept 1887 12 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 47 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Bertha Daughter W F Jan 1890 10 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11A 48 46 11A . . 204 205 Mc Kinstry Effie Daughter W F May 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11A 49 46 11A . . 205 206 Kelerman John Head W M June 1867 32 M 3 . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 205 . 11A 50 46 11A . . 205 206 Kelerman Thressa Wife W F Sept 1868 31 M 3 1 1 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 11B 51 46 11B . . 205 206 Kelerman Josep Son W M Oct 1899 9/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . JUNE 15 1900 11B 52 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Casper Head W M Dec 1849 50 M 22 . . Germany Germany Germany 1866 34 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 206 . 11B 53 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Mary Wife W F Aug 1857 42 M 22 10 9 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 54 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Kattie Daughter W F Feb 1879 21 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 55 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Henry Son W M June 1881 18 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 56 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Josep Son W M Oct 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 57 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Johnie Son W M Jan 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 58 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Frank Son W M Nov 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 59 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Threcia Daughter W F Nov 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 60 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Casper Son W M July 1893 6 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 61 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger William Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11B 62 46 11B . . 206 207 Pedberger Annia Daughter W F Apr 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11B 63 46 11B . . 207 208 Faust Joe Head W M Feb 1870 30 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 207 . 11B 64 46 11B . . 207 208 Faust John Boarder W M Mar 1872 28 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 65 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure John Head W M Nov 1852 47 M 20 . . Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1879 21 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 208 . 11B 66 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure Kattie Wife W F June 1860 39 M 20 6 6 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 67 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure Joe Son W M Oct 1881 18 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 68 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure John Son W M Mar 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 69 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure Maggie Daughter W F June 1887 12 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 70 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure Thracia Daughter W F July 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 71 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure Frank Son W M Feb 1892 8 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 72 46 11B . . 208 209 Flure Mary Daughter W F Feb 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11B 73 46 11B . . 209 210 Wilson Rebecka Head W F May 1842 58 WD . 7 6 Ireland Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 209 . 11B 74 46 11B . . 209 210 Wilson James Son W M Nov 1870 29 S . . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 75 46 11B . . 209 210 Wilson William Son W M July 1872 27 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 76 46 11B . . 209 210 Wilson Dora Daughter W F Sept 1878 21 S . . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 77 46 11B . . 209 210 Fredikeen Henry Boarder W M Dec 1879 20 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Day Labor 3 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 78 46 11B . . 210 211 Roberts Ben Head W M Oct 1865 34 M 8 . . Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . Day Labor 4 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 210 . 11B 79 46 11B . . 210 211 Roberts Sarah Wife W F Dec 1869 30 M 8 3 2 Illinois Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 80 46 11B . . 210 211 Roberts Jane Daughter W F Mat 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 11B 81 46 11B . . 210 211 Roberts Harry Son W M Sept 1899 8/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 11B 82 46 11B . . 211 212 Holman John Head W M May 1878 22 M 1 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 1 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 211 . 11B 83 46 11B . . 211 212 Holman Mollie Wife W F Jan 1880 20 M 1 0 0 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 84 46 11B . . 212 213 Holman Tom Head W M Jan 1844 56 M 30 . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 212 . 11B 85 46 11B . . 212 213 Holman Mancy Wife W F Feb 1844 56 M 30 4 4 Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 86 46 11B . . 212 213 Holman Dora Daughter W F Mar 1873 26 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 87 46 11B . . 213 214 Chapman Sam Head W M Sept 1875 24 M 3 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 213 . 11B 88 46 11B . . 213 214 Chapman Annia Wife W F July 1876 23 M 3 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 89 46 11B . . 213 214 Chapman Clarence Son W M Aug 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 90 46 11B . . 213 214 Chapman Levi Son W M Feb 1899 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 91 46 11B . . 214 215 Jones Zeb Head W M Nov 1873 26 M 1 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 214 . 11B 92 46 11B . . 214 215 Jones Oma Wife W F June 1883 25 M 1 1 0 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 93 46 11B . . 215 216 Andering Dora Head W F Sept 1853 46 WD . . . Ireland England England 1860 40 NA . . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 215 . 11B 94 46 11B . . 216 217 Williamson Rebecka Head W F June 1845 54 WD . 9 6 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1853 47 NA . . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 216 . 11B 95 46 11B . . 216 217 Williamson David Son W M June 1879 21 S . . . Illinois Kentucky Ireland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 96 46 11B . . 216 217 Williamson Anard Son W M Feb 1881 19 S . . . Illinois Kentucky Ireland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 97 46 11B . . 216 217 Williamson Webbe Daughter W F Apr 1883 17 S . . . Illinois Kentucky Ireland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 98 46 11B . . 217 218 Smith James Head W M Oct 1878 21 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 217 . 11B 99 46 11B . . 217 218 Smith Annia Servant W F Dec 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Ireland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 11B 100 46 11B . . 218 219 Suchonski Mathias Head W M Sept 1841 58 M 27 . . Poland Poland Poland . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 218 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 12A 1 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski Annia Wife W F June 1842 57 M 27 10 8 Poland Poland Poland . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . JUNE 19 1900 12A 2 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski John Son W M May 1880 20 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 3 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski Lucy Daughter W F June 1884 15 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 4 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski Joe Son W M Aug 1885 14 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 5 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski Francis Daughter W F Sept 1886 13 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 6 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski Lissy Daughter W F Sept 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 7 46 12A . . 218 219 Suchonski Mike Son W M Sept 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 8 46 12A . . 219 220 Kubarski John Head W M Sept 1873 26 M 3 . . Germany Germany Germany 1887 13 AL Farmer 0 . No No No O M F 219 . 12A 9 46 12A . . 219 220 Kubarski Bonta Wife W F Sept 1878 21 M 3 1 1 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 10 46 12A . . 219 220 Kubarski Servestia Son W M Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 11 46 12A . . 220 221 Mehring Annia Head W F Apr 1850 50 WD . 4 4 Poland Poland Poland 1870 30 . . . . No No No O F F 221 . 12A 12 46 12A . . 220 221 Mehring John Son W M Aug 1874 25 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 13 46 12A . . 220 221 Mehring Rosy Daughter W F Sept 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . At School . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 14 46 12A . . 220 221 Mehring Tom Son W M Sept 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . At School . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 15 46 12A . . 220 221 Mehring Frank Son W M June 1892 7 S . . . Illinois Poland Poland . . . . . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 16 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Charlie Head W M June 1860 39 M 16 . . Germany Germany Germany 1867 33 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 221 . 12A 17 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Carlina Wife W F Apr 1864 36 M 16 6 4 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 18 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Clara Daughter W F June 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Germany Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 19 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Willie Son W M Jan 1895 5 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 20 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Emma Daughter W F Mar 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 21 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Annia Daughter W F Mar 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 22 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Curt Boarder W M Feb 1852 48 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1867 33 NA Day Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 23 46 12A . . 221 222 Brune Mary M In Law W F Apr 1824 76 WD . 2 2 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 12A 24 46 12A . . 222 223 Larkins George Head W M July 1856 43 M 23 . . Illinois Tennessee Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 222 . 12A 25 46 12A . . 222 223 Larkins Sarah Wife W F Jan 1857 40 M 23 9 6 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 26 46 12A . . 222 223 Larkins Kattie Daughter W F May 1884 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 27 46 12A . . 222 223 Larkins Russel Son W M Mar 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 28 46 12A . . 222 223 Larkins Robert Son W M Sept 1889 10 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 29 46 12A . . 222 223 Larkins Oral Son W M July 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 30 46 12A . . 223 224 Snider Henry Head W M Apr 1850 56 M 26 . . Germany Germany Germany 1860 40 NA Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 223 . 12A 31 46 12A . . 223 224 Snider Agusta Wife W F Apr 1854 46 M 26 1 1 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 12A 32 46 12A . . 223 224 Snider Charlie Son W M Aug 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 33 46 12A . . 224 225 Bentley John Head W M Dec 1854 45 M 13 . . Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1883 17 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 224 . 12A 34 46 12A . . 224 225 Bentley Anj Wife W F Dec 1854 45 M 13 2 1 Illinois England England . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 35 46 12A . . 224 225 Bentley Halmena Daughter W F May 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Switzerland Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 36 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Petter Head W M Apr 1859 41 M 11 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 225 . 12A 37 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Rebecka Wife W F Feb 1865 35 M 11 6 5 Illinois N. Carolina N. Carolina . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 38 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Daisy Daughter W F Mar 1885 15 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 39 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Erborn Son W M Oct 1890 9 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 40 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Gessie Daughter W F Aug 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 41 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Osker Son W M Nov 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 42 46 12A . . 225 226 Krupp Mary Daughter W F May 1900 0/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 12A 43 46 12A . . 226 227 Miller Fred Head W M Oct 1869 30 M 10 . . France France France 1865 35 NA Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 226 . 12A 44 46 12A . . 226 227 Miller Minnie Wife W F Apr 1874 26 M 10 5 4 Illinois Germany Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 45 46 12A . . 226 227 Miller Jacob Son W M Dec 1892 7 S . . . Illinois France Illinois . . . At School . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12A 46 46 12A . . 226 227 Miller Emma Daughter W F Apr 1894 6 S . . . Illinois France Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 47 46 12A . . 226 227 Miller Annia Daughter W F Apr 1896 4 S . . . Illinois France Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 48 46 12A . . 226 227 Miller Josephine Daughter W F June 1899 11/12 S . . . Illinois France Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12A 49 46 12A . . 227 228 Morgan James Head W M May 1850 50 M 22 . . Illinois Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 227 . 12A 50 46 12A . . 227 228 Morgan Lizzie Wife W F Jan 1852 48 M 22 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: IL COUNTY: Perry TOWNSHIP: Beaucoup Precinct MICROFILM#: T623-335 SUPV/DISTR: 15 ENUM/DISTR: 46 ENUMERATOR: Hugh C. Jones ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1-19, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 12B 51 46 12B . . 227 228 Morgan Willie Son W M Jan 1878 22 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . JUNE 19 1900 12B 52 46 12B . . 228 229 Keller Louis Head W M July 1866 33 M 4 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R F F 228 . 12B 53 46 12B . . 228 229 Keller Lizzie Wife W F May 1879 21 M 4 3 2 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 54 46 12B . . 228 229 Keller Ruth Daughter W F May 1894 6 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 55 46 12B . . 228 229 Keller Kattie Daughter W F Nov 1898 1 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 56 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Harry Head W M Jan 1867 33 M 14 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R M F 229 . 12B 57 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Maggie Wife W F Apr 1868 32 M 14 7 6 Illinois Iowa Iowa . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 58 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Harlon Son W M July 1888 11 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Labor 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 59 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Marion Son W M Oct 1891 8 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . 5 Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 60 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Mellie Daughter W F July 1894 5 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 61 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Rosy Daughter W F Apr 1896 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 62 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Tommie Son W M Feb 1898 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 63 46 12B . . 229 230 Hutching Ira Son W M Jan 1900 4/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 12B 64 46 12B . . 230 231 Hernes William Head W M Oct 1869 30 M 6 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 230 . 12B 65 46 12B . . 230 231 Hernes Lorria Wife W F Sept 1877 22 M 6 3 3 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 66 46 12B . . 230 231 Hernes Leonard Son W M Nov 1895 4 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 67 46 12B . . 230 231 Hernes Raymond Son W M Sept 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 68 46 12B . . 230 231 Hernes Emet Son W M Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 12B 69 46 12B . . 231 232 Wever Jacob Head W M Aug 1841 58 M 35 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 231 . 12B 70 46 12B . . 231 232 Wever Lizzie Wife W F Dec 1847 52 M 35 5 1 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 71 46 12B . . 231 232 Bupst Alvin Head W M Feb 1872 28 M 4 . . Illinois Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 232 . 12B 72 46 12B . . 231 232 Bupst Josephine Wife W F Aug 1878 21 M 4 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . . 12B 73 46 12B . . 231 232 Bupst Eduard Son W M June 1897 2 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . . 12B 74 46 12B . . 231 232 Bupst Emuel Son W M Jan 1900 5/12 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . No No No . . . . . 12B 75 46 12B . . 231 232 Hesner Arthur Boarder W M Apr 1886 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Day Labor 3 . No No Yes . . . . .